Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cup Half Full

Today was a good day! Today was a great day! I really feel like I was apart of something bigger today! My mom text me this morning asking if I wanted to go to LAX airport to see the homecoming of Keanan/Kembert. In the blog below it explains a bit about this little guy who was adopted by The Howertons two years ago and finally was able to come home due to the evacuation of orphans after the earthquake in Haiti.
Of course I went because I love being apart of life changing know those moments that are once in a lifetime moments. Especially at airports! Airports are some of the happiest places on earth. Move aside Disneyland there is something way better than you!

My favorite moment is flying on an itsy bitsy plane (no that's not my favorite moment, that's the moment I think I might die) from Auckland to Nelson, New Zealand. I arrive a little airport that you have to walk down the plane stairs to go into the terminal. Then a little cart brings your bags to you because there is no such thing as baggage claim! I still am the first person getting out of my seat, ever so politely moving others aside to run down the stairs into the Nelson Airport and seeing one of my family members waiting there for me. I LOVE THAT MOMENT. I always want to cry with excitement.

That is why I watch Love Actually often, for the airport scenes like that. Moments that make you heart so full of joy that it literally feels like it could burst!

Moments like this...

Mike Howerton and Keanan Howerton embracing at Orlando airport.

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