Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tick, tock it's almost time!

A few of you might have heard recently that I am gearing up for a month long adventure overseas. I leave in a week in a half to spend 2 weeks in Jerusalem, Israel with my uncle and then fly back home for 36 hours to spend a little time catching up on sleep, doing copious amounts of laundry and visiting the nephews before I fly off again to New Zealand. I am still in disbelief that this is all happening! I am so excited and in a bit of denial that I am this truly blessed!

So I have been trying to prepare for my trips and as I have lived and been to New Zealand many times I know what’s in store for me there. Israel is a whole new ball game. I went shopping a couple of weekends ago with my bestie trying to figure out what to wear while touring over there and not sticking out like a sore thumb. I have heard that I need to cover my knees and shoulders, well for goodness sakes coming from Southern California I don’t have many items that go past my knees or that are some form of tank top.

Luckily Old Navy just came out with these long flowing dresses I can put a shirt under or throw a cardigan on top when in need of covering my shoulders. Needless to say, little by little, as I was piecing it all together I noticed my "look" was very reminiscent of biblical times, a long flowing dress with a cardigan and roman sandals. So I guess I subconsciously concluded that when in Israel one should still look like they did when Jesus roomed the earth 2 thousand years ago!

Another fun fact about my trip is that my uncle emailed me suggesting that I learn a few key Arabic phrases. Fortunately I work in the hospitality industry and have a co worker who speaks Arabic so he has been teaching me words like hello, goodbye, where is the woman’s bathroom, don’t shoot…you know the basics. Hopefully those few words will suffice along with whatever I might find useful and easy to understand on the pod cast that my roommate was so kind to find for me.

A few things I think about while I am gone, one that I somewhat have an understanding of what people are saying or ironically there will be a group of English speaking tourist who also can speak, read and write Hebrew and Arabic that are coincidentally are on the all same tours as I am! Two that I won't get completely lost in a foreign country, get kidnapped become missing, turn into an Arabian princess and have a movie made about my life. Three that I will not want to come home because I am already internally struggling with the over abundance of things and stuff and nonsense that are consumed by Americans these days.

Over all I am so overly excited about this adventure, it finally pays off to be single 25 with no major responsibilities therefore having the ability to whisk myself away for a month of fun adventure and memories to last a life time!

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