Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 2

Spinach, diced onions sauteed with coconut oil the added 2 fried eggs on top and a cup of black coffee.

Frozen Green Grapes

Left over Pork Loin on top of spinach with diced mushrooms and homemade dressing (brown mustard, evoo, chopped basil, salt and pepper mixed really well).

Monkey Salad (1 banana, coconut chips, and raw almonds)

Cashews and dried apricots (I was working)

How am I feeling:
Day two wasn't as bad at all.  I really have to get used to having a hot meal for breakfast as I was a smoothie for breakfast kinda girl for years.  That also means I have to get up a bit earlier to prepare, but I just throw those things in the pan and get ready until the food is ready.  So it's really not that bad!
My dinner was a bit lack luster, but it is really hard to figure out what to eat when I am with clients so luckily I was able to snack on the appetizers we had prepared for them and network through dinner with a soda water and lime in hand.
Honestly I am REALLY grateful for my fitbook!  It is really useful to be able to write down all my meals because I know in the later weeks I am going to have to figure out what it was that got me through the first week.  Also it keeps me accountable for my workouts because I hate leaving that side of the page blank.  For instance I was journaling in bed of all the things I ate today and realized I hadn't worked I put on my shoes and went and ran stairs 5 times so that my "cardio" section wasn't left blank!

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