Friday, January 11, 2013


It's only fitting that my first blog in oh I don't know 3 years is about my beloved Seahawks.  I am a very proud fan, and they are, at this very moment, on a plane on their way to ATL to play on Sunday morning at 10am PST.  I couldn't be more anxious, excited and thrilled to be a fan and will continue loving that team no matter the outcome.

It's funny being a female fan of a football team are some observations I have made over the course of my love for this team for over 10 years now.

1.  Boys don't like girls who have teams in the playoffs when their team didn't come close...especially when their team is supposed to be conference winners i.e. Steeler (ugh!), Saints, etc.  They talk smack and there is nothing you can really say to prove a point.  They get in their macho, big ego ways and there's no way to change their mind.  It's just one of 'em things.
2.  Boys do like when a girl is willing to go watch the games with them and actually know what they are talking about and can keep up (and be able to throw back a couple).
3.  Boys don't like when a girl wins their pick pool for the week or fantasy football, because girls are NOT supposed to know more about sports then they do.
4.  Boys do like when really female fans host tailgates because it generally means that there will be Jell-o shots of said teams colors.
5.  Boys don't like when girls have an opinion of who should be Rookie QB of the year.  For instance this year it should be Russell Wilson, sorry about the whole leg snapping thing for Rookie RG3 in last weeks game against the Redskins, but we were out to prove a point and we did!

I have to constantly defend my team which I am more than happy to do.  The thing about being a Hawk fan is we are generally happy whatever happens.  It isn't a team that constantly brings in a "W" on a Sunday so when we are doing well, it fills our heart with joy and makes the world a better place to live in.  If we loose, that's ok there's always next year.  Well guess what's next year!

Go Hawks, beat those Falcons!


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