Thursday, April 9, 2009

What Can I Say...

I've got a new obession! Today we travelled to Hebron because I have been seeing these amazing pieces of palestinian pottery in the Old City, but it is basically a joke to buy it there if you have access to Hebron where it is half the price. So fortunatley my uncle needed to pick up a few things for his new place and made a work trip out of it with a UN driver and all.

So we stopped at a pottery and glass shop which was just amazing to see the guys blowing and making the glass right in the front of the shop. Then we went in to where all the beautiful and colorful pieces of pottery were. I could have spent many hours just looking (and a lot of money). I had to keep reminding myself that I need to some how get all this stuff back to the states with me.

While we were shopping there was also a group of about 30 palestinian school girls on some sort of field trip. After about 5 minutes I began to feel a bit cramped and realized that these girls were literally following me around the store and were standing right next to me, no matter where I went. They tried practicing their english by asking; What your name?, "Amanda", Where you live? "California", Are you Hebrew? "no no", and at the end of the round of questions they said "Amanda we love you" and walked away.

Looks like I am moving to Hebron.


  1. Cute story! Cute new look to your blog. Come home now. We miss you.

  2. That is soo adorable! I can just see you there with them :)
