Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Just Because I Can!

So as my roommate would put it “how adorbs is this”. I saw this one night with one of my “I’ll just step into this store to kill time, while hoping I wouldn’t actually purchase anything” moments. I actually picked it up, walked around, justified why I should by it but some how by some force unknown to me put it back on the shelf. Then the next day at work I showed two co workers and thought about it through out the day. That’s when you know you are really allowed to by it. When you keep thinking about it. Is it me or do other’s do the same thing, they figure it’s “ok” to buy it because you can’t stop thinking about it, so why deprive yourself of this item.

Unfortunately for me there aren’t many times I actually have to go through this very often because shopping is my weakness and I right away justify buying the item.

So there is no sleep on it moment for me. Though I am trying to rectify this knowing that I do not need every item that I see, it is purely impulse buying and then I remember all the little kidos in Uganda who won’t be able to ever just walk into a store and buy something just because they want it.

You’re proud of me? So am I.

It’s been a hard thing to realize but slowly and surely I will learn that I do need everything…or do I?

Back to the cup, so stinking cute right!! If you want one they are at Urban Outfitters. Enjoy!!